The fountain, pictured above is named after the participating farms, acts as a catalyst to address hypoxia in the lake’s water, both literally and symbolically: it both aerates the lake’s water to increase its oxygen levels and draws public visibility to the issue.
CLIMAVORE is a research platform & agencythat questions how to eat as humans change climates. CLIMAVORE works with farmers to halt agricultural run-off by using alternative ways to nurture the ground.
The fountain is coupled with a three-year process in partnership with SPACES, an artist-initiated nonprofit, to support the farmers’ ongoing efforts by setting up a support network to reduce regional dependency on chemical fertilizers. The Climavore Ground Working Group with participating farmers consists of quarterly meetings to advance further experimentation on alternative farming. Get in touch if you want to join or support the network. Otherwise, celebrate: Neighborhood Solutions, City Fresh, Crown Point Ecology Center, Hickory’s Legacy Farm, Hood Honey, Living City Farms, Ohio City Farm, Spice Acres, Trapp Family Farm, Vel’s Purple Oasis, and Yellow House.